Fourth of July on the coast of Maine was pretty drippy this year. Rain and fog threatened parades and fire works but who are we to let a little Maine weather stop us? A good time was had by the intrepid. Intrepid is the word for the families that gathered from afar and ordered PenBay farmed scallops as an experiment. This tyke was delighted by live scallops!

The whole family found whole farmed scallops a treat- simply dipped in butter or in various dishes created by the imaginative chefs who bought the cookbook or went online to this website and scanned the recipe list.
Eating farmed scallops marks a sort of independence day. They are local, use our Maine lobstering boats and crews, and improve the habitat rather degrade it. PenBay farmed scallop sales are strong and as more and more folks discover what a treat they are we can expect this sustainable fishery to grow and grow. Strike up the band and join the parade.